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Каков текст песни «My Girlfriend's An Alcoholic» группы «Bowling For Soup»?

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  • Название: My Girlfriend's An Alcoholic;
  • Исполнитель: Bowling For Soup;
  • Альбом: Fishin for Woos.

My girlfriend is so beautiful

She makes me breakfast and folds my shirts

There's no end to her kindness

Shes the only one to make me laugh until it hurts

Her eye's shine, her teeth sparkle

She watches all my favorite shows

But there's only one thing you should know


Hey! My girlfriend is an alcoholic

But nobodies perfect

Hey! My girlfriend gets all demonic

But I think she's worth it, when she

Drinks! Drinks! Fights at the bar!

Drinks! Drinks! Pukes in my car!

Know that it's over, the minute she's sober

Hey! My girlfriend is an alcoholic


My girlfriend loves yoga

She's a ringer at [?] stands and body shops

Does pilates then kamikazes

So sweet but you never wanna piss her off

Coz there's one thing you should know


Hey! My girlfriend is an alcoholic

But nobodies perfect

Hey! My girlfriend gets all demonic

But I think she's worth it, when she

Drinks! Drinks! Fights at the bar!

Drinks! Drinks! Pukes in my car!

Know that it's over, the minute she's sober

Hey! My girlfriend is an alcoholic


And every night, I end up driving

So she don't go out, D.U.I.in' again

Get locked in the pen. Again.


Hey! My girlfriend is an alcoholic

But nobodies perfect

Hey! My girlfriend gets all demonic

But I think she's worth it, when she

Drinks! Drinks! Fights at the bar!

Drinks! Drinks! Pukes in my car!

Know that it's over, the minute she's sober

Hey! My girlfriend is an alcoholic



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Последнее редактирование ответа: 17.12.2011

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